Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm really excited about the upcoming show at the JaxPort Cruise Terminal. This is a show that they graciously offered to us in the Art Guild of Orange Park and that we are doing with SoMMA (Society of Mixed Media Artists). It was required to use materials that JaxPort gave us - which were an annual report/brochure and a poster. They makes many efforts to be green there so wanted to recycle their left overs.
Those of us in SoMMA may have had an easier job of this assignment since many of it's members already do collage and mixed media art. Since many of the members of the Art Guild of Orange Park are more traditional painting artists this was a bit more of a challenge. From what I saw in the take in process they came through with flying colors though!
The show travels to JaxPort corporate headquarters and then to the main Jacksonville Public Library. Come to the opening if you've already RSVP'd and enjoy the talent on the walls - oh and the food and music too.
Here are two of my works. You'll have to see the show to see the third!!!!